With My Whole Heart
I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.
- Psalm 9:1
Father, your name is higher than any other name. No one can stand up against you and succeed. You are security for the oppressed and troubled. You are the only King forever. You have saved me and made me new. Father, turn my eyes to see your glory more and more so that I will praise you with my whole heart and thank you for all that you have done. Grow in me a heart of gratitude as I remember your goodness towards us. Thank you for being righteous. I praise you for being just and a stronghold for those who suffer injustice. I lift up the name of Jesus for the immeasurable grace & new life in Christ. Thank you for being the one I can trust because you have not and will not abandon me. Lord, help me to worship you with my whole heart.
Jesus paid the price that we could never pay.
Jesus freed our hearts from slavery to sin’s self-destruction.
Jesus reigns on the throne with grace and truth.
Jesus is building His church one heart transformation after another.
Jesus is transforming our hearts little by little to reflect His glory.
Jesus is transforming our hearts to worship.
Warriors, take account of all the amazing works that God has done in your life, in your family, in your friends, and in your church and then praise Him. It’s time for us to worship Jesus with all that we are for who He is and for what He has done.