Unshakeable Kingdom
In the LORD I take refuge; how can you say to my soul, “Flee like a bird to your mountain,”
- Psalm 11:1
Father, I flee to you; you are my refuge. I trust in you, Lord. You are sovereign over all and your kingdom is a heavenly kingdom. Your throne is higher than any other throne. Your kingdom will not be shaken. Your purposes will be fulfilled. I will trust in you; even when earthly kingdoms are quaking and ruined; even when lawful authorities are slandered and dismantled; even when societies deny you as God and are set against me because of you. Father, no matter what danger I face I am confident that I am yours and that I will behold your face and in your presence worship you forever! Your kingdom is unshakeable!
We serve a God who can not be overcome. We serve a God who will not be moved. We serve a God who cannot be stopped. We serve a God whose purposes prevail. We serve a holy, righteous, and loving God. We serve a God whose kingdom is unshakeable.
I put my confidence in my God who is a strong foundation and refuge. I will not put my confidence in any man made kingdom, because I know that every kingdom of this earth (every nation, every organization, every community, every leader) that does not have and/or keep God as their foundation will be shaken and fall to ruins. Is your confidence in God’s kingdom or a man made kingdom?
Warriors, in Jesus we have an unshakeable kingdom. Jesus has given us a kingdom mission. A mission that God will equip us to complete. Our mission is to declare our confidence in God’s kingdom so that through us God might save those who are putting their confidence in themselves, their family, their community, their job, their nation, or anything besides God and train them to put their confidence in God alone, in God’s unshakeable kingdom.