
Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
- Psalm 32:1


Father, thank you for the gladness that comes with forgiveness in Christ. Thank you for covering me with the blood of Your Son and not counting the wrongs I've done anymore. Father, I come again to you and I confess that I am selfish, that I seek my way above your own, that I desire that which is not my own, that I am quick to anger and lacking in love. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for covering me when I uncover my failings. Father, surround me with your steadfast love, I trust in you.


Confession is the way that God invites us to be covered in Christ. Confess your sins and our forgiving Father will cover your sins.

Warriors, trust in Jesus. Take joy in the forgiveness found when we are covered in Jesus.

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